Cling on Olethros, 1997 ----------- A moody mod Using an 8-chord sequence With paired chords :) Dedicated to Lenin :) Greets to peeps UNDERNET: #amiga, #amigacafe #modulez IRCNET: #amycoders (thanx Kalms) And hi to Paul Burkley Snare8 Snare8hi Snare8OpenHi CYMS3 chh BUFFHIL RX7-OPENHI perc-drytom Perc-Taiko hihat2 CrashLong elecbass3 ************ * * * CLING ON * * * ************ Olethros, 1997 ============== nspired by boredom and weather co cold, bitter wind, maddeningly en uring a dark startless night in E nfluenced by: angelis ink Floyd h, this mod is dedicated to Lenin opyright (C) 1997 Christos Dimitr his mod is freely distributable : owever, inclusion in demos and pu reeware, shareware, commercial or s prohibited unless the author (m ermission. OK? his means you can still put it in ncluding Aminet CDs, give it to y ave any) or upload it to a BBS or